Erie County, NY - An Update...
Well, here we go again. It appears as though all-along, county Comptroller Nancy Naples was right when she warned that County Executive Joel Giambra ( a one-time Democrat who changed party affiliation) and the morons they call the County Legislature that the supposed cuts they were making to the budget were insufficient.
Yesterday, New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi released his audit of County finances and found that not only were the cuts superficial and not enough to close the budget gap, the gap itself was larger than originally thought. He declared that gimmicks only had been used to dupe the taxpayers into thinking there was a semblance of fiscal responsibility when there wasn't. Erie County's bond rating was lowered again yesterday to BBB minus. This drives up costs when Erie County needs to sell bonds to acquire short-term cash.
Oh there's more: Hevesi went so far as to say that county government needed "adult supervision," a statement which brought chuckles - from the same idiots who got us in this mess. An aura of mistrust is rampant through county government, causing the wheels to stop.
In a way, this is what is supposed to happen when the taxpayers say "enough is enough." However, as taxpayers, we expect our government to work for us, not against us. Clearly, our Erie County government has worked against us.
Personally, I have not been upset by the county's issues - I think these are natural and this is what is supposed to happen when the citizens realize how dysfunctional our government is. I consider these episodes to be the growing pains before progress. However, I am now beginning to get upset. County Executive Joel Giambra has been a lousy leader. He is abrasive, rude and clearly lacking in the skills necessary to be a decent person. This has been evidenced by his personal run-ins with county legislators both of his own party as well as those on the other side of the aisle. During TV interviews, he is rude to the reporters beyond what even I would consider reasonable. Then there is George Holt. He leads the legislature. Last month, he enacted new rules that restrict TV cameras in the legislature. He went so far as to chase down camera crews conducting interviews with county officials - all this was caught on tape. Now, as the State Comptroller releases his findings and says that work must begin immediately to fix the problem, George Holt is going on vacation!
What are the solutions? Nancy Naples has a few suggestions and other suggestions have been bandied about. It looks like we're going to get hit with a sales tax increase immediately. Further, property taxes are sure to rise significantly in next year's budget. But will our county government works towards a smaller, more efficient government? Unlikely. The State is asking for a Control Board (just like the one for Buffalo that has done so much good for the citizens - not). And chances are it will happen and perhaps we'll see someone force our government to be more efficient. Unlikely again. I can tell you what will be the "solution," more taxes.
As for Joel Giambra: I voted for him. He brought new ides to the table, including merging the City of Buffalo with the County of Erie. Given the problems the City has, this would be like having the Taliban perform with the band at my Bar Mitzvah! It's time for Joel to resign, we need change, we need a leader who can get things done against all odds. When Governor Schwarzenegger took over for California, the situation was dire, it has been turned around. We need someone who will make the right decisions, put personal issues aside and work for the people, not against us.
Yesterday, New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi released his audit of County finances and found that not only were the cuts superficial and not enough to close the budget gap, the gap itself was larger than originally thought. He declared that gimmicks only had been used to dupe the taxpayers into thinking there was a semblance of fiscal responsibility when there wasn't. Erie County's bond rating was lowered again yesterday to BBB minus. This drives up costs when Erie County needs to sell bonds to acquire short-term cash.
Oh there's more: Hevesi went so far as to say that county government needed "adult supervision," a statement which brought chuckles - from the same idiots who got us in this mess. An aura of mistrust is rampant through county government, causing the wheels to stop.
In a way, this is what is supposed to happen when the taxpayers say "enough is enough." However, as taxpayers, we expect our government to work for us, not against us. Clearly, our Erie County government has worked against us.
Personally, I have not been upset by the county's issues - I think these are natural and this is what is supposed to happen when the citizens realize how dysfunctional our government is. I consider these episodes to be the growing pains before progress. However, I am now beginning to get upset. County Executive Joel Giambra has been a lousy leader. He is abrasive, rude and clearly lacking in the skills necessary to be a decent person. This has been evidenced by his personal run-ins with county legislators both of his own party as well as those on the other side of the aisle. During TV interviews, he is rude to the reporters beyond what even I would consider reasonable. Then there is George Holt. He leads the legislature. Last month, he enacted new rules that restrict TV cameras in the legislature. He went so far as to chase down camera crews conducting interviews with county officials - all this was caught on tape. Now, as the State Comptroller releases his findings and says that work must begin immediately to fix the problem, George Holt is going on vacation!
What are the solutions? Nancy Naples has a few suggestions and other suggestions have been bandied about. It looks like we're going to get hit with a sales tax increase immediately. Further, property taxes are sure to rise significantly in next year's budget. But will our county government works towards a smaller, more efficient government? Unlikely. The State is asking for a Control Board (just like the one for Buffalo that has done so much good for the citizens - not). And chances are it will happen and perhaps we'll see someone force our government to be more efficient. Unlikely again. I can tell you what will be the "solution," more taxes.
As for Joel Giambra: I voted for him. He brought new ides to the table, including merging the City of Buffalo with the County of Erie. Given the problems the City has, this would be like having the Taliban perform with the band at my Bar Mitzvah! It's time for Joel to resign, we need change, we need a leader who can get things done against all odds. When Governor Schwarzenegger took over for California, the situation was dire, it has been turned around. We need someone who will make the right decisions, put personal issues aside and work for the people, not against us.